
My last weekend 我的周末英语作文

时间:2022-02-18 16:21:33 | 来源:草料作文网

I was very busy last weekend. The weather was very fine. On  Saturday morning, My parents and I went  to  the  West  lake, and  took  many  photos.  Then,  we  went  KFC  for  lunch. The food was very delicious. But it was not healthy. I had a hamburger,  a  glass of cola and some vegetable soup. I liked it. In the afternoon, I stayed at home and read some books and did my homework. It was a very nice day.

On Sunday, We cleaned the room and climbed Chen Huang mountains, I swept the floor, My father washed clothes, And my mother cleaned windows. The rooms were as new as before. On Chen Huang mountain, We went jogging and played volleyball. On the mountain, trees were very green, and the air was very clean. In the afternoon, I watched a film at Qing Chun cinema. I had a good time there.

In the evening, I started my English class at 4:00 and the class was over at 7:30. I read the English story and learned some new words and key sentences.

I had a very nice weekend. I was very happy. Did you have a good weekend like me? Could you tell me?

本文地址:My last weekend 我的周末英语作文https://www.jtcl.org.cn/zuowenfanwen/118789.html
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