
小学英语作文和妈妈一起购物(Go shopping with my mother)

时间:2023-03-15 08:17:23 | 来源:草料作文网

  Today, I go shopping with my mother. There are lots of things at the supermarket. There are lots of books on Shelf A. there are toys and balls on Shelf B.
  They are pens and pencils on Shelf C. There are lots of fruit on Shelf D. There are clothes on Shelf E. I want to buy a new pen, a toy plane, and a football.
  My mother wants to buy some fruit, a shirt, some fish. But we bought a new pen, a football, fish and some fruit. We have a good time, today.

本文地址:小学英语作文和妈妈一起购物(Go shopping with my mother)https://www.jtcl.org.cn/a/323774.html
  • 下一篇作文: 小学一年级数学期末模拟题

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