
school life英语作文作文850字高一作文

时间:2022-11-03 09:50:56 | 来源:草料作文网

  For our students at school than at home is also a long time。 So how is your school life ? My school life is seven thirty morning reading, because the morning is the best time to read memory。 We will read for fifteen minutes and then rest for five minutes to begin class。 Spirit and answer the questions are all very early in the morning on the first lesson is very accurate。 So the laughing classroom learning very happy to play。 In the second class, we have a big break, have thirty minutes to hold a meeting in the morning。 On Monday will rise the national flag。 We will be very careful watch the flag rose slowly and will tackle each other。 Our big break this one too, only ten minutes。 We ran a smile are running in the playground, tired, lying on the lawn。 After seven quarters, one of our days。 What about?



本文地址:school life英语作文作文850字高一作文https://www.jtcl.org.cn/a/242352.html
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